Monday, December 15, 2008

Iron Man and Dark Knight Qualified for AFI Awards

iron man movie posters The 'Iron man' and the 'dark knight' were both on Sunday called at the institute of American film to films of SF of the list of the main thing 10 of year.

Side of television, the rewards of AFI of 'honoured included the lost and insane men of office, but not the rock 30 Emmy-winning.
dark knight movie postersFor the iron man, the congratulations are its first principal honor of season of reward. For the dark knight, him 's its honor �ni�me. For films it of superhero pass-with-top of incredible carcass exclude-him 's another stage in their walk towards the domination of the world.

Brad Pitt, Michelle Williams and Clint Eastwood, while waiting, helped to represent for the people who can the 'fly of T.

Pitt �S the case curious about button, Williams Wendy and Lucy and Eastwood 's Gran Torino de Benjamin did everything the main thing 10. of film of AFI 'of S.

The American rewards of film institute 'list of 10 principal films of 2008 includes a good number of foreseeable favourites like dark knight, Mur-e and case curious about, of button of Benjamin but there are astonishing omissions. Among the missings: , Of doubt , reader route revolutionist, Vicky Cristina Barcelona and visitor. millionaire of Slumdog isn 't quoted because him 'foreign production of SA (Great Britain).

The inclusion of two flicks of cartoon ( of, dark of knight of iron man) and a film animated ( Walls ) isn �T not very common because the American film institute allots make usually an effort include the popular films which are often ceased the arrogant critics � of the lists of the main thing 10. In the past, comedies frat-with boy such as struck to the top of and Vierge of 40 years also made the list of rewards of AFI, but this year the 'equivalents of S like tropical thunder and express pineapple aren 't quoted.


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