Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Rockstar Inspired

I LOVE MUSIC it inspires me. Makes me feel happy. Motivates me. Sometimes makes me sad......but rarely does it ever let me down. There are so many talented musicians and I wish MTV would wake up and bring back MUSIC videos. I remember being a young girl and watching MTV, wishing I could be one of the Sexy Vixens behind the RockStars in their videos.... because I LOVED the music so much! I wanted to be there and be part of it all, experience what it was like to see it live from beginning to end. To get a taste of what the audience couldn't. Oh, I admire music and musicians, they have a genuine talent and their craft is unlike any other. Rock n' Roll music inspired many things to be created and here are a few items I chose to share that I liked and were obviously RockStar inspired.


* I love RockStars Card printed on 100% Recycled paper - Madebygirl
* Organic Perfume - The Natural Store
* RockStar Momma Book - Amazon
* All T-shirts- Truffle Shuffle
* Vinyl Art - Vinyl Art
* Baby gear -Celebrity babies
* Rockstar Line - DCWV


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